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Is your server ready for PHP 7?

website design

Did you receive a notice from your hosting provider that your server is now able to accept  PHP 7 or PHP 7.1? Are you confused and not sure what it means? Before you agree and upgrade, you need to make sure your current website is able to accept this higher level of PHP coding. PHP is a type of code used primarily to facilitate communications between your web pages and your database. If you are using WordPress for instance, your site is using php. If any of your page links end with ".php"...

Chrome & Google Announcement about new HTTPS requirements

website design

A SSL certificate is a security program you purchase normally from your hosting provider. It enables the HTTPS to work on your site and ensures that all communications from your pages to your server are encrypted and protected. If you are unsure if your site has one, type in your domain name in your browser using Until recently, the HTTPS was required for all websites accepting online payments. The big changes is that,

Vacation Rental Website

website design

Real estate was one of the first industries to fully embrace the Internet and harness its possibilities. A new industry related to real estate has risen in the past two years: Rental. You can now rent anything from car, movies to vacation rental. The vacation rental market has indeed increased recently as people's holiday habits have changed. In the "old days" (really not that long ago), taking a vacation meant staying at the in-laws, in a hotel or camping. Now you may rent a condo, an apartment...

What to do if your website was hacked?

website design

We have written many articles and posts on website hacking, what they are, how to restore your site, what to do to prevent an attack, and so forth. Today we are going to be succinct and right to the point.

  1. If your site has been hacked, contact your webmaster immediately. If you do not have one or cannot get a hold of them, contact us at 707-794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time). Do not wait! You do not want Google or other search engines to notice the hack. That would be...

How do you know it is time for a new website?

website design

Your site is  just a few years old but you are wondering if it is time to upgrade it or even get a brand new one. You know technology and especially the Internet has changed dramatically these last two years. If you answer YES to one of the following questions, it is time to have a conversation with an experienced web designer.

  1. Your competition has a better website. They may have a better design, better content, better "feel", etc.
  2. Your website is not responsive to m...

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