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6 effective ways you can boost your ranking on Google

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For years, businesses have been searching for the end all way to boost their way to number one on Google. The short answer is that there isn’t a surefire way to get to number one. If there was, everyone would be doing it. However, there are many things that we have seen to have an effect. If you do some, or preferably all, of the things listed below, you will most definitely notice your website make a steady climb up the pages of Google. But it takes lots of time and dedication to pull it off.

1. An Optimized Website – We mean several things by an optimized website. First of all, it shouldn’t be a site created from a template like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. It should be custom coded from the ground up to give you the best head start you can get. The meta information, information that Google uses that you can’t see, needs to be filled out correctly, and your pages need to use friendly URLs.

2. Optimized Copywriting – Secondly, the text on the website needs to be optimized for great SEO value with the keywords you want to be found for in search engines without having it look like you are keyword stuffing your sites. This is tricky, and if you do it wrong, you can end up hurting your site more than its helping. However, you can’t really be successful without good copywriting. It’s a requirement now.

3. Optimized Images – Yes, you can also optimize images for SEO value. You should name them correctly like this: autorepairsantarosa.jpg as opposed to: image_456.jpg. The first, Google can see as Auto Repair Santa Rosa, the second, Google can’t do anything with. Also make sure that the meta tags for the images are filled out correctly.

4. Blogging – Google likes quality blocks of text and to see that a website is growing. Blogs are a way to give Google both at the same time. You should blog on a regular basis, using carefully optimized copywriting, and each blog should showcase an optimized image. Do enough of this and your site will start to look pretty big in Google’s eyes, and they will reward you for it.

5. Video – Google owns YouTube, and if you are using YouTube videos on your site, Google will smile upon you. If you have your videos uploaded to a YouTube Channel, they also need to be optimized and named correctly. The video should be embedded on your site, but also have a link from your video to your website. Well optimized videos will add value to your site, but will also show up in search engines on their own, offering a second way that that you can be found online. Using video will pay off in many different ways in the long run.

6. Quality Links – You want to have other well-known and respected websites linking to yours. This is looked well upon. However, you can ruin your website ranking of you go hog-wild and try to get as many links as you possibly can without caring where they are from. Avoid farm-linking, which is basically buying links to your site. A nice organic way to get quality links is to post onto social media platforms, and always include a link back to your site. Google likes Facebook, and Twitter, and especially Google+, and sees these links as positive.

How to rank higher on Google Searches

These are all very effective things you can do to boost your ranking on Google. If your competitors aren’t doing these things, then they have pretty much left the door wide open for you to swoop in and be the top ranked company in your industry. It won’t happen overnight though. It will take a few weeks before you start to notice a difference, and a few months before anything drastic happens. However, if you keep it up, Google will notice. And if you do it right, Google will trust you and want to show off your site.

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Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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