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Creating a RSS feed campaign

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If you want to impress your friends, you can tell them that RSS stands for both Rich Site Summary and Real Simple Syndication. When an online user subscribes to a RSS feed, he gives authorization to that website to inform him when new content is posted. In most cases, RSS feeds are added to blogs. It requires the user to have a RSS reader to be notified and be able to read the new content. Nowadays these readers (which are technically software programs) are widely available either already installed on the subscriber’s computer or web-based. They are also free of charge.

You may not know exactly what makes the RSS feed works but you have a general understanding of what it does and its benefits (which is to increase your visibility online and your credibility as an expert).

Nowadays you can create email marketing campaign using RSS feed. Some well-known email management companies like MailChimp make it really easy to manage such RSS based campaigns.

You can schedule an email campaign to your RSS feed subscribers to be sent for instance every Monday morning but only when a new post has been added to your blog during the past 7 days. That means that, if you did not enter a new blog post, then the campaign won’t be sent. You can customize the email template to look just like your website. You can also decide what you want to show in the content of the email though most people choose to display their latest blog post or part of it with a Read More link to the actual webpage.

How often you send these RSS feed email campaigns depends on how often you add new posts to your blog. For most businesses, once a week is plenty.

Remember that by creating this automation within your email management program, it saves you lots of time. It also helps you with your visibility in front of the Internet users who are actually interested in your information since they signed up for the RSS feed.


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