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Emotional connection for non-profit organization websites

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One of the biggest errors non-profit organizations make online is that many only look at their website as a way to tell people what to do. Their online efforts come short to encouraging viewers to become volunteers or donors. If they do ask for donations, they just place a donate button and hope that donations will start pouring in.

The truth is, if you are managing a non-profit organization, the main focus of a new website (when you meet with your team and web development company) should be to encourage donations. Without donations, there would not be the funding needed to do the good your team does or wants to do.

It is paramount to the success of the non-profit organization that converting viewers into participants or donors stay at the forth front of every design, textual and functionality decision for the new website.

How does one ask for money on a website? You must create a virtual emotional connection with the online audience. Each non-profit has its own cause, history and goals but all should have the answers to the following questions:

– Who are the typical types of donors?
– Are they women, men, children, companies…?
– What is their age group?
– What is their income and educational levels?
– What language and manner of speaking do they use?
– Where do they live?
– Why do they connect so well with your cause?
– What appeals to them?

You want to empower your website visitors and let them know that this is not hopeless and that they too can make a difference. Showing other donors (donors’ testimonials are awesome) as well as showing the problem, the solution and the result brings a clear perspective. You have to explain why your organization need their help, why they should help and how it will make them feel. Again you want to build an emotional connection via your website.

Even though your viewers are using a computer or a mobile device to learn about your group, they are simply humans who want to do good but are not sure if your specific organization is the right fit. Somehow you have to convey this message clearly and quickly and turn these important prospective donors into actual donors.

Is your organization in need of a new website? If yes, contact us as we offer significant discounts for non-profit organizations who meet specific criteria.

We wish you much success.

Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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