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How to optimize images in a blog post

website design santa rosa

Optimizing all of the images in a blog post is an important step of good SEO techniques that is often forgotten or misused. It is not only very simple to do, it can also add great optimization value to your blog posts. After all Search engines index images found online as they offer an image library. This is one way for prospective clients to find your website. Another benefit is that images (when they are well optimized) give another indication to the search engine bots on what your post is about and why your blog post should be indexed for specific keywords.

If you want to learn more, simply watch our video below. It is 15 minute-long and takes you step by step on what you can do. No worries… it does not require programming or coding skills; anyone can do it!


how do it optimize images in a blog post


Remember to optimize all of the images with a good image name, alt tag, title tag, image caption and image description.

If you need a new or optimized blog for your company’s website, visit our Blog page here >>

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