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Using texture or color for website backgrounds

website design santa rosa

In past 2 years we have seen lots of white backgrounds on websites, a trend so popular than most new websites have a white background. Though we love this look (giving a fresh and modern feel to any sites and giving focus to images), there are great benefits to adding texture and even color to backgrounds.

=1= Different background options:

  • White
  • Color
  • Texture
  • Repeating pattern or graphic
  • Full image or illustration
  • Video
  • Slider

=2= Why using texture or colors on background:

The biggest advantage of a texture or color background is that it can help support a specific “feeling” you might want your visitors to have when they arrive to your website.

  • Some texture can soften a website, making it more “gentle” and “approachable”. This is especially true for softer tones, patterns with rounded edges, and earthy textures.
  • Other background designs can make a site look more “industrial” or “professional” when using lines, geometrical objects and gray scale coloring.
  • Solid colors used in background can help your branding efforts. If you are Coca Cola, red is your color and can be used in background to make a bold statement. In such case, you may have to make the lettering white or create boxed sections for your text within the colored background.
  • Some repeating patterns can make a website fun and interesting. With Photoshop an object, icon or simple illustration can be made to repeat and used in a background. This can be useful if you have a mascot or caricature you used for your company’s advertising.
  • The right texture, design or color in a background can tie together your website design and its content and harmonize the experience for your website visitors.
  • Finally using a background that is not pure white can help separate you for your online competition especially if you notice that your competitors are all using white as their background.

Moving forward, you should have a discussion with the web designer about the background options for your website. Your decision should be made based on your understanding of your target audience, what their likes and wants are and what image you want to portrait to your customers and prospects.

For questions on this topic, do not hesitate to contact our team in California at 707-794-9999. We are more than happy to help.

We invite you to watch our video about the importance of choosing the right background texture or color for your website
textured background for websites

Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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