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Vacation Rental Website

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Real estate was one of the first industries to fully embrace the Internet and harness its possibilities. A new industry related to real estate has risen in the past two years: Rental. You can now rent anything from car, movies to vacation rental. The vacation rental market has indeed increased recently as people’s holiday habits have changed. In the “old days” (really not that long ago), taking a vacation meant staying at the in-laws, in a hotel or camping. Now you may rent a condo, an apartment, and even a house. And you can do all of this online.

There are three types of vacation rental websites:

  1. A directory on which you may browse various property types belonging to different people. You then reach out to the property owner you are interested in renting from and work directly with him or her. This is usually the best way to get the best rental rate and gives you more choices.
    Example: Maui Best – Rental Directory ยป

    maui vacation rentals
    Best Vacation Rentals on Maui
  2. A booking site which is similar to a directory but you can also book right on the site. Those are very practical but their fees to the owners are typically high so the rent rate may be increased to cover the difference. Think of Airbnb.
  3. An Individual website that showcases only one property in one location. Those are hard to find and obviously limits your choices.

If you are contemplating starting such a venture, speak with us as we have experience in designing, developing, and promoting such websites.

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Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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