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Why you should update your company’s colors

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Sometimes, especially with companies that have been around a long time, when we have businesses come to us for web design, it is good to be open to the idea of reexamining your logo, branding, and color schemes. We often times see logos that were made with bad design choices, or that use colors that are not complimentary to each other, or to the business that they’re supposed to represent.

We often make recommendations on the color scheme that your website should have, not just based off of what is visually appealing, although that is the first step, but off of what a company in your industry should be using. It would not make sense for a construction company to use purple as one of their main colors. It just wouldn’t work for their target audience.

There are also color schemes that are a bit outdated and overused. Many banks and other similar agencies love to use a dark color as their primary color, which although that tone may work for a serious institution like that, it can also be quite boring. Brighter colors are becoming much more common. Many times there are a couple colors being used together that don’t contrast well, or that don’t come off as strong as they could. In these cases, don’t stick to what doesn’t work. It’s okay to acknowledge that it doesn’t work, and to choose something better.

Every few years you see many big name brands revamping themselves with slicker versions of their logos, and updated color pallets. Even if you are a smaller business, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be willing to do the same. It’s all for the end goal of staying relevant in a world that is all about the latest update.

Why you should update your company colors

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